Ash Wednesday ushered in the beginning of Lent. A time to remind us that we came from dust and to dust we will return. Pastor Rob spoke today about how we are to live with the attention, joy and purpose that God has given us. Even though we are going through uncertain times, God meets us with hope if we keep our faith in Him. Am I living the purpose that God has for me? Do I live each day with intention as well as attention? I try to live with joy in the simple things. I laughed out loud the day that it snowed. Huge flakes drifted down and all I could do was laugh. The beauty of nature, the sighting of a cardinal, the blooming of the daffodils bring joy into my life.
Am I just passing through life or am I making the most of life? I saw the movie, The Bucket List last night. It is a story about two men who find that they have a limited number of days to live and they make a list of things to do before they die. They decide to live their last days intentionally, to experience things and live their last days to their fullest. We are given opportunities each day to live life to its fullest and to make a difference in the life of others. One line in the movie especially spoke to me. The character, Carter Chambers says, "Even now I cannot understand the measure of a life, but I can tell you this. I know that when he died, his eyes were closed and his heart was open. And I'm pretty sure he was happy with his final resting place, because he was buried on the mountain. And that was against the law." Do we live with our hearts open, making a difference in other's lives? What joy do we bring to the lives of others? I pray that during the 40 days of Lent that I live my life to show that I made some difference to others before I return to dust and that the Lord will find me a faithful servant.
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