I am longing for the cooler weather of fall. Summer on the South Texas coast is too hot to inspire much knitting. I've picked up several projects, however I have not been disciplined enough to finish anything lately. Sock patterns keep beaconing me. I guess I will have to jump in an make a pair as soon as it cools off.
I have enjoyed being with my oldest son. I had an opportunity to go to New Orleans and visit my sister. I take walking tours during the day while she works and then we eat and play in the evenings and weekends. The highlight of last weekend was to the prayer labyrinth in Audubon Park. It was dedicated at Easter this year. It was a beautiful sunny morning. There were a few fallen leaves on the path and our shadows fell across the path and caught my eye. At times in our lives we walk through shadows and our paths are not clear, but we know that Christ leads us and is with us no matter how dark the path may seem. Then I would turn a bend on the labyrinth's path and the sun would sparkle on the beautiful stones. It reminded of times that blessings are plentiful and the path was well marked. I really enjoyed that walk. We sat in the benches that surrounded the labyrinth and enjoyed the park. The wind was pleasant and it was refreshing to be still and be with God.
Thus says the Lord,
"Stand by the ways and see and
ask for the ancient paths.
Where the good way is, and
walk in it;
And you shall find rest
for your souls." Jeremiah 6:16
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