This quote hangs above my desk:
Creativity is God's gift to you.
What you do with it is your gift to God.
-Bob Moawad
I Peter 4:10-
"Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." NIV
"Each of you has been blessed with one of God's many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well." CEV
I always have felt the need to be creative and knitting has allowed me to make simple gifts for others. I reunited with the craft of knitting last December and went on to make scarves for everyone on my Christmas list. The prayer shawl definately wove together my need to be creative and my desire to serve others. It is a wonderful ministry. If you are interested in making a prayer shawl- visit: http://www.shawlministry.com/. Various patterns can be found on the web. The triple (trinity) seed stitch is easy and makes a beautiful pattern. The rhythm lends itself to prayer or music. I hope that you find a way to use your gifts to serve others.
1 comment:
I love your blog and it reminds me that the reason I now knit is because God called me to give to others. It is easy to foget that and get caught up in the other aspects of knitting. I am also aware that I have been shy about posting this all important part of my knitting life. Thanks for bringing me back to center.
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